
Sunday, November 11, 2012


   With Warner Bros. recently moving forward with the "Justice League" I couldn't help but imagine my cast. Instead of going into an in depth reason for each cast member, I figured I would just put this up. Coment below and give your thoughts, I would love to hear them...
Written & Directed by: Rian Johnson
Produced by: Christopher Nolan, Steven Spielberg, & Geoff Johns

Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Sun Rises

SUPERMAN IS BACK!!! And what looks like better then ever. So yes, I saw "The Dark Knight Rises: teaser, both of them. I also saw the Comic Con footage, due to this wonderful thing that is the internet. And HOLY GOAT BALLS BATMAN, this looks excellent. If you are an average film goer than you probably had no idea that this was Superman, which some say is a bad thing, but that's kinda the point of a reboot. The way that this teaser is perfect. It starts with a very blue color temperature, as a metaphor for a dark world in pain. But when the one of the Robin Hoods voice comes in, the color slowly changes to a warm tone, with shots of the sun shining through the fog, and images of childlike innocents. It's a metaphor for Superman, as he comes into this world bringing hope, and a light for people to follow, a christlike character. Especially in the comic con footage when Superman walked on the clouds like Jesus on the water, chills went down my spine. The cinematography is very interesting too. A very Terrence Malick, Tree of Life look to it, which I personally love. I do fell that they should have just shown the Comic Con trailer, which still serves as a teaser, but also gives audiences both more of the emotional moments, and spickets of SUPERMAN HITTING THINGS!! You would think that we wouldn't have to be so excited to see that, but yeah. And the voice over of the Robin Hoods is also well done. Depicting a choice versus destiny type thing. Personally I prefer Russell Crowe's voice over, just because Russell Crowe is one of top three favorite actors, so I'm biased. So yeah, I'm massively excited to see Superman done justice again, hopefully that leads to over justice related things...

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The End of an Era

Christopher Nolan has created something truly AMAZING. He revitalized a franchise that for a time was truly dead. I remember loving "Batman & Robin" as a child, granted I was I was 2 years old. Going back and watching it now, kinda almost destroyed the early childhood that I really barely remembered. It was an eye opener to just how awful it was, I mean I'm on the internet, I know that soul clenching hate people have to it, I just never quit realized it's about as good as a butt rape from Satan. It must have REALLY sucked to have lived through it, not drooling in a crib. I can imagine it was like the first time I saw "Phantom Menace", as a child. My mom bought it for me at the local video store, and i watched it once, when I had to replace the original trilogy ever few years, because the VHS's were so worn out. But luckily for those depressed caped crusader fans Nolan has created one of the greatest trilogies to ever exists, and it stars BATMAN. "Batman Begins" lade the groundwork for a superhero, who could really live in our world, with an intelligent script and Gary Oldman as Gordon, SCORE. Then came the juggernaut that is, "The Dark Knight", an even more brainy flick, with Heath Ledger playing the brain child of Alex form "Clockwork Orange", and the darkness inside Mark Hamill, and we got to see Two-Face without Tommy Lee Jones, acting like American Psycho on speed. And the fan pleasure ensued. now we have "The Dark Knight Rises" this conclusion to all Comic fans wet dream(Inception Reference). And it does exactly what it needs to do, give us a brainy, but realistically depressing story, have Christian Bale in a bat suit without nipples, and have a super menacing villain that's like Darth Vador from the Caribbean. For my money this movie is PERFECT, I can understand why some people might not love it, but I do. So all I have to say is go this movie, if your one of the 6 people who haven't. You will enjoy yourself, and on that note my thoughts and prayers go out to all the victims of the Colorado incident. The movie theater is like my home so, it really upsets me, and I'm deeply sorry for all of you.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Marketed To Death

Yes, on my return I talk, yet again, about "The Amazing Spiderman". Now before I say anything I LOVED "The Amazing Spiderman"!! Im really happy with what Marc Webb, & Andrew Garfield did with this now revived franchise. But, I would have thought it was perfect if you couldn't see the Sony stink lines coming off of it. The fact of the matter is that before the movie even came out, we had already seen 25 min. of footage form it. Making most of the spectator scenes with you knowing what's about to happen. My favorite action scene was the spidy and lizard brawling in the high school, because we hadn't seen the whole thing already. The action was great, and fun to watch it was just all shown prior to the film's release. Another huge problem I have with this film's promotion is that the after credits scene was shown IN THE TRAILER. Who in there right mind let that get out, as the point that is supposed to make you excited for a sequel, we can piece together not even half way through the film. Not only was there to much shown in the trailers, clips and featurettes, but allot of it was cut from the movie, generating allot of unanswered questions and subs plots that lead to nowhere. Now I'm really excited for the sequel, I think Marc webb and Andrew Garfield have created something great, but I hope that they have gonads to step in and protect there creation form evils of corporate greed. If you haven't seen "The Amazing Spiderman" please go see it. It's a great a fantastic film, but it could have been more. Now all we can do, is wait for the director's cut to see Webb's vision the way it was truly meant to be. 

Sunday, February 26, 2012

TMNT Reboot Fancast

If you didn't already know the teenage mutant ninja turtle franchise is getting rebooted, witch is FREAKING FANTASIC!! I've always been a big fan of the turtles & there hasent been a great film since the original 1990's film. And to my amazement it is being based on the original comic other than the 80's cartoon. That means it will be darker,gritty,more violate, & also humerous. The perfect formula for an entertaining film. The current rumor is that Jonathan Liebesman is at the top of the list to direct. Like any fan I have a cast in my head that will probably never happen, but would blow my mind if it did. And with the advancements in performance capture technology you can get really good dramatic actors to put their stamp on the characters. Without further ado here is my fan cast...

Starting with Leonardo. I say the perfect pick is Joseph Gordon-Levitt. He is quickly becoming one of my favorite actors out there. He has incredible range, and that strong, determined persona that Leo needs. His role in " Inception" sealed the deal for me.

For Raphael I say Tom Hardy. He is a FANTASIC actor who could really sink his teeth into the character. And as seen in "Inception" he is very good at bickering with JGL. And he showed he was perfect in the movie "Warrior" he is a angry, violent, short tempered brut? And pulls it off great. Watch "Warrior" & you'll be convinced.

 For the brilliant and carasmatic Donatello I choose Elijah Wood. He is a pretty underated actor who has the perfect voice for Donnie. He can easily pull off the type of funny, dorky guy who also knows exactly what he is talking about. 

 Michelangelo was probably the hardest to cast. You need someone who is both funny & charming, while still being able to pull off more dramacitc scenes. In the end I chose Jamie Bell. I don't really have any reason for choosing himbother than like him. There isn't really any role or characteristic that he has that makes me think Michelangelo. I just like Jamie Bell & think he could be pretty good in the role. I think if anyone can pull it off it'll be him. 

 For me there is only one choice for Master Splitter, & that is the magnificent Ken Watanabe . I don't have to say anything he is just a great actor and a perfect mentor figure.

That's my fan cast I didn't really say much about them, but you get the idea. We'll probably never see this cast in this property but I can dream cant I...

Monday, February 20, 2012

Why Troll Hunter is AWESOME

Yes, I'm posting something thats not about "The Amazing Spiderman". So I was on Netfilx not to long ago, & I came upon the movie "Troll Hunter". I heard some pretty awesome stuff about it, so I watched it. Troll Hunter is a pretty fricken sweet movie. It is a Norwegian film, so the whole thing is subtitled, & the CG isn't that great, but I didn't really mind. The story is pretty straight forward. It's a found footage movie that follows a group of college kids investigating a man, Hans, who they think is killing local bears. By following him they make discover that he is actually a troll hunter, if you couldn't already guess that. He then allows them to join him & film all of his outings, being that his job sucks & he wants people to  know about it. Hans works for an organization that is practically troll wildlife preservation. This movie is ALOT a fun. The ridiculous concept is handled so seriously that it's pretty funny at times & that was clearly intended. The trolls themselves are cartoon looking, with big noses, and wrinkled faces. That's not to say the film doesn't have some thrills and scars, but it properly earns them. It's hard to describe this movie, you really have to see it to know what I'm talking about. It dose have a pretty slow start, but by the end I was completely satisfied. Just don't take it as seriously as it looks you will unappreciated alot of the humor. And I HAVE to point this out, when Hans is trying to lurer a troll out from a under a bridge he places 3 goats on the bridge, a clear throwback to the tale of the "3 Billy Goats Gruff". Witch was very tastefully done. Check his movie out, odds are you'll like it as much as I did.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

First Amazing Spiderman Clip

The amazing spiderman viral campaign continues. Yesterday "MarkoftheSpider-Man"(TAS viral campaign) released the fisrt offical clip of the film. And what can I say it's a 45 sec. clip. The footage itself is raw footage. There isn't any color correction, the audio isn't that great. But the film dosen't come out till July so it's ok. The clip takes place right before the opening of the trailer. Peter is going to eat dinner with the Stacey's & is stopped by the doorman who is curious about his backpack(where he is hiding his spidy tights). It reminds me of the scene in Spiderman 2 where Peter is stopped by the usher at MJ'S play, minus Bruce Campbell's charm. What we do get to see is a bit of Peter's personality. Andrew Garefield is exactly how I remember reading as a kid. He is socially awkward, his sentences & words run together. He knows what he's talking about, but can't quit get it across. That is EXACTLY how I am & can easily relate to him. The scene is fine I mean it's nothing really important that goes on in the story. It's not funny or exciting it's just a normal scene & it's fine. If you want to check out the clip for yourself click the link.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Amazing Spiderman Trailer Review

Any worry I had about this movie is GONE!!! I've been a fan of the reboot since they announced Marc Webb was directing the project. (500) Days of Summer is one of my FAVORITE comedies and also one of my favorite movies. One of the things that makes that movie so good is the realistic characters and chemistry. You can clearly see that in this trailer. Andrew Garfield looks fantastic as Mr. Parker, as dose Emma Stone, & Denis Leary. I also love the dynamic they are going for with his pares. Since they haven't been really implicated into the previous movies or really the major comic arcs.The tone of this movie looks great. The Rami movies had a very cheesy light feel to it. It was good for the time , but going back now it's a little toy for my taste.  Since all comicbook movies now are going dark, in order to stay in the game so dose Spiderman & it has that darker tone while not making the character dark & I'm really liking it. Unlike most people I love the costume & it looks great on film. The humor of this trailer is great. I prefer witty humor over slapstick any day of the week & Spiderman is witty and funny. Some say that he was in Rami's movie, but he really Didn't. He cracked a comment every now and then & most the time fell pretty flat. The only thing I would complain about is i think you see to much. There also isn't any wow factor, when you watch the trailers for Prometheus, The Dark Knight Rises, or The Hobbit there is something there that makes your jaw drop. This trailer left me feeling good about the movie, nothing made my jaw drop. Still 'm friken excited for this movie Summer can't come fast enough. It looks like a definite improvement from the Rami movies, which I wasn't a big fan of. Spiderman 2 was good but the other two not as much If you want to watch the trailer yourself click the link here